Summer Reads

Photo by: Tim Wright

Greetings Single Mavens!

Summer is upon us. The weather is great these days for taking a short walk, or just "cloud watching" :)

We now have more time to enjoy our day with the longer days we are having. Therefore, I thought that it would be fitting to post some great summer reads. I have included a list below regarding some books that I have found interesting. Some of these books I am currently reading for the first time...and some I am doing over again.  

Please comment and let us know if you have additional reading suggestions. I am open to both fiction and nonfiction books.  In addition, I am "reading" some of these on Audible. So, if you have a suggestion that you have found on Audible, feel free to share with us.

Happy Reading!

John W. Gray III

Sarah Jakes Roberts

       Lysa TerKeurst

Gretchen Rubin

Charles Stanley

Lysa Terkeurst


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