Single, Not Alone

Recently I have found that God is shifting my perspective on singleness, and the quest for future marriage.  Therefore, I would like to take the opportunity, in the next few blog posts, to shed some light on what I am discovering about myself, as well as the continued desire for marriage.

In this blog post, I wanted to offer a resource for singles that I somehow stumbled upon in my YouTube feed.  I recently viewed a message by Pastor Michael Todd, from Transformation Church, located in Tulsa, OK.  Pastor Todd provides an opportunity for singles to view their relationship status differently.  In his message “Single, Not Alone: Relationship Goals”, he offers practical advice, from a Christian standpoint, regarding the necessity of singleness before marriage.  Pastor Todd believes that “the problem in society today is a singleness problem” because we often think that “singleness is not necessary.” (Transformation Church, 2017)

In Part 2 of his series “Relationship Goals”, he provides the following points:

  •      It is more important to be single rather than to be married.
  •      Marriage is only as good as your singleness.
  •      It is okay to be single, but not to be alone.
  •      Maximize your singleness.

(Transformation Church, 2017)

I invite you to view the message, “Single, Not Alone: Relationship Goals”, and provide your feedback.

Below are some questions for you to ponder…

Do you believe that marriage is only as good as your singleness?  Why or why not?

What are your thoughts regarding the belief that “the problem in society today is a singleness problem”?

Have you found that there is a stigma attached to prolonged singleness?

Do you agree that the "more single you become, the better your marriage will be"?


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